Embroidery and sewing courses

The purpose of these General Conditions of Service (hereinafter referred to as “CGPS”) is to inform any client (hereinafter referred to as “the participant”), registering for an internship or training, on the conditions and terms with which BeBe Bold (hereinafter referred to as “the organizer”) carries out the sale and delivery of a service, and to define the rights and obligations of each party. Only the special conditions possibly stated in a quote, and these CGPS ​​regulate the conditions of sale of the services offered by the organizer. They will prevail over any contrary clauses and conditions that may appear on orders or other documents from the participant.


Any training or internship hosted at BeBe Bold, whose SIRET number is 843 457 722 00026, is subject to these CGPS. Signing the registration form implies the participant’s full and unreserved acceptance of the CGPS. No special conditions can, except for formal exceptions written and signed by the participant and the organizer, and appearing on the registration form which has become firm and definitive, prevail over these CGPS. The organizer reserves the right to modify the content of these CGPS ​​at any time and without notice. The applicable CGPS ​​are those in force on the date of reservation of the service, they are also sent with the registration form by email to the participant before he makes his payment, which constitutes definitive and unreserved acceptance of the conditions mentioned above.


2.1. – By registering for an internship or course, the participant confirms having read these CGPS.

2.2. – Registration for internships or courses is only deemed confirmed once the total amount has been paid in accordance with the payment terms explained in point number 3. of these CGPS.

2.3. – Registration for an internship or course commits the participant’s availability on the date planned at registration.

2.4. – In the event of registration of a participant by a third party (case of a gift voucher for example), responsibility for the presence of the participant lies with the third party who made the reservation. Likewise, the third party carrying out the registration undertakes to ensure that the participant, registered by them, reads and respects these CGPS.

2.5. – The reservation is always confirmed by return email from the organizer to the person who registered. However, in the event of non-receipt of all amounts due within 7 calendar days following the reservation date, the organizer will cancel the reservation and the reserved place will be made available to other participants.


Before any service, an invoice is drawn up and sent to the participant. The content thereof is amended according to the needs of the participant; is accompanied by these general conditions and contains the following elements:

the title of the service to be performed;

the date(s) of the service;

the total agreed amount of the service.

all the terms and conditions relating to the payment of sums due (account number to be credited, payment date, etc.);

Payment for the entire service is due upon reservation being made, and within a maximum period of 7 calendar days from the reservation date. This payment can be made by bank transfer, cash or check.


The amount of courses and courses provided by the organizer is expressed in euros (€).

– The amount includes:

supervision and facilitation of internships and training;

detailed advice and comments on the projects carried out.

The supplies detailed in the description sheet

– The amount does not include:

sewing equipment;


return journeys to reach the training or internship location;

travel by car or otherwise during training or internship;

various insurances.

Revision: prices are subject to review at any time. Only the price indicated on the registration form accepted by the participant is final.


The courses offered by the organizer are carried out indoors, either at Carré Claude Nicolas or on another site


Cancellations can be of two types: at the initiative of the participant, or that of the organizer. The following should therefore be taken into consideration:

6.1. – Cancellation by the participant:

Cancellations received 15 days or more before the course date are fully refunded.

Cancellations received less than 15 days before the course are unfortunately not refunded, unless the participant is able, at the time of cancellation, to propose another person to replace him, thus causing no economic loss for the participant. 'organizer.

6.2. – Cancellation by the organizer:

In the event of low participation (less than two people registered), the organizer reserves the right to cancel the course. In this case, the entire amount paid by the participants is refunded to them.

Costs incurred by participants to participate in the course (accommodation, transport, etc.) will not be reimbursed by the organizer.


7.1. – General: any participant, when registering for a training and/or internship (including when registering by a third party, see paragraph 2.5) is responsible for respecting the start and end times of the training and /or the course in which he is participating. Consequently, no refund will be granted for hours or days missed from the course following a late arrival or early departure by the participant.

7.2. – Late arrival: in the event of late arrival of a participant,

the organizer will start the course or training at the scheduled time so as not to penalize other participants

7.3. – Early departure: in the event of an early end of the internship by one of the participants, the latter will assume the resulting costs (transport, accommodation, etc.). Any participant leaving a current course before its end will in no way be able to claim reimbursement, in whole or in part, of the sums paid.

7.4. – Illness/Accident: if early departure is due to an illness or accident occurring during the course, the participant will make use of their own health/accident insurance (or possibly repatriation) which each participant is recommended to take out before the start of the internship or training.


These notions apply, depending on their nature, to the organizer or the participant. The different cases are explained below:

8.1. – Responsibility of participants:

Participating in activities may involve certain risks. The participant acknowledges being informed of this fact and assumes responsibility for it. The participant also undertakes not to transfer responsibility for these risks (injuries of any kind, material damage, medical costs, repatriation costs, transport costs for abandoning the course, economic losses, etc.) to the organizer or its beneficiaries.

The participant in an internship or training therefore undertakes to have valid insurance covering these risks.

When registering for a course or training, the participant automatically undertakes to have read, understood and accepted these CGPS, which constitute a contract between the organizer and the participant. Consequently, the participant undertakes to have prepared (both physically and materially) the course or training in accordance with the instructions communicated by the organizer when confirming the reservation, and to present themselves at the meeting point with the necessary equipment indicated in the course description.

Each participant is responsible for his or her own equipment and person, as a result of which the organizer cannot be held responsible for any theft, physical or material accident occurring during the course or training.

9.2. – Responsibility of the organizer:

The organizer undertakes to do everything possible to guarantee the smooth running of the courses and training as described on its website.

On the other hand, the organizer will not assume responsibility for services that it cannot control (hotels, shelters, transport companies, etc.).

Under no circumstances will the organizer be held responsible for additional costs, losses, material or personal damage, injuries, delays and/or economic losses caused by third parties, if this is not linked to direct negligence on the part of the organizer. organizer.

In addition to article 4 relating to services not included, the organizer cannot be held responsible for unforeseeable incidents or events external to itself occurring during the course or training and causing delays, additional costs and/or or itinerary changes.

During courses and training, the organizer declines all responsibility for any loss, damage or theft of equipment, clothing or personal objects which remain under the supervision and responsibility of the participant for the entire duration of the course or training.


The organizer cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss suffered by the participant due to any fortuitous event or force majeure such as any act emanating from a civil or military authority, de facto or right of strike, fire, flood, water damage, storm and lightning, accident, riot, attack, any event attributable to a third party, or other circumstance having an external cause and preventing it, directly or through a third party, from fulfilling its commitments.


All information communicated by the participantrs of reservations, payments, and courses remains confidential and the organizer undertakes to respect the legislation in force on the protection of personal data and privacy. As a result, the organizer undertakes not to transfer, in any form or condition, this information to third parties. Please note that the participant has the right to access and rectify data concerning him in accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978.


The fact that one of the parties has not required the application of all or part of the commitments provided for in these CGPS, whether permanently or temporarily, cannot constitute a modification of the said conditions nor establish any right over the other.

13. VOID

If one of the stipulations of these CGPS ​​proves to be void with regard to a rule of law in force or a judicial decision that has become final, it would then be deemed unwritten, without however resulting in the nullity of this contract or altering the validity of its other provisions.


Any complaint from a participant must be made within four working days following completion of the internship or training services. The organizer's liability is limited to the value of the service it provided to the participant.


Any dispute relating to the interpretation and execution of these general conditions of CGPS ​​is subject to French law. In the absence of an amicable resolution, in the event of a dispute over the terms of this contract or non-performance, the parties grant jurisdiction to the Courts of Besançon for the interpretation and execution of the contract and its consequences.